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Options for managing co-ownership or how to dissolve and settle co-ownership.

Co-owner does not agree with the sale of the land, what are my options?

Vzhľadom na rozdrobenosť pôdy na Slovensku sa bežne stretávame s podielovým spoluvlastníctvom pozemkov. Často sa tak stáva aj to, že niektorí spoluvlastník nesúhlasí s predajom pozemku, napriek tomu, že ostatní na predaji trvajú. V článku si priblížime, aké možnosti v takomto prípade prichádzajú do úvahy. Prvou možnosťou je pokúsiť sa dosiahnuť dohodu s ostatnými spoluvlastníkmi. Pokiaľ sa dohodu nedarí dosiahnuť, odporúčame spoluvlastníkom doporučene… Read More »Co-owner does not agree with the sale of the land, what are my options?


[2023] How to File a Request for Additional Inheritance Proceedings in Slovakia?

In practice, it is common for heirs to discover that not all of the ancestor's property was distributed after the completion of the inheritance proceedings. In the past, land properties, in particular, were often left undistributed. (We address the reasons in more detail in a previous article.) What steps should be taken when such a situation arises? How to file a request... Read More »[2023] How to File a Request for Additional Inheritance Proceedings in Slovakia?

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